Why You Should Make it Easy to Buy from You
Many companies and salespeople make a great job attracting potential customers. They get the customers interested, engaged and ready to make the buy-decision. When it
Sales training and sales management training
Best sales trainings and facilitation, based on scientific research, personal sales experience, best practices and examples from different industries. For sales people, sales staff, sales support functions and business executives.
Sales trainings available face-to-face or online.
Do you aspire to make the transition from product-focused selling to value-based selling?
Is your organization aspiring to improve sales and drive profits through focusing on customer value and customer experience?
Do you want to convert excellent customer service to sales and profitable customer relationships?
Do you want an experienced B2B sales trainer focusing on customer centricity and customer relationship management to guide (face-to-face or online) your extended sales team develop and improve their sales skills and competences, marketing capabilities, and customer relationship management? Do you want to improve your sales management & leadership to manage and lead sales in the 2020’s?
Do you want a high-performing and science-based sales training – or even a full-blown sales academy – with an customer-value approach and a key message that focuses on:
If yes, then contact me and let’s discuss what will bring you the biggest bang for the buck.
My name is Dr. Paul Viio and I will be honored to be your sales trainer. I am a B2B sales expert and professor in selling & sales management. I will train your staff to create an excellent customer experience and convert it into sales. Additionally, I will train your executives how to manage, lead and reward sales (personal selling and online sales) successfully in the 2020’s.
The sales trainings and sales academies–which I deliver in English, Swedish, Finnish and German–focus on customer centricity and customer experience (CX) that are the key drivers for success in sales and business. When done right, customers will want to come to you, and your sales performance is bound to improve.
What I offer are tailored and optimized (by utilizing the ValueSpyder® measurement developed by me) B2B sales trainings – and sales academies –for salespersons, sales supportive staff, and sales executives. All sales trainings are science-based and benefit from my considerable personal experience from international sales, building customer relationships and managing sales. All trainings include many inspiring examples from different industries, presented in a exiting and engaging manner. Additionally, my trainings offer many tools that the participants can immediately take into use to improve their performance.
You can dip your toes and start small with a simple value sales training and gradually build up, or you can jump into the deep end and order a complete value sales academy as turnkey. I’m with you all the way.
Contact me and let’s have a free-of-charge and non-binding initial discussion regarding your situation, needs and expectations.
Many companies spend a lot of money and resources on R&D, but only so much on sales and managing customer accounts. Yet, it is no news flash that even the best product rarely sells itself. Someone usually needs to do the selling part.
Often a company’s sales relies heavily on a few, often self-taught salespersons and their knowledge and activity, rather than on a well-working sales machinery. Managing and leading a bunch of sales cowboys is difficult and scaling it is basically impossible. In the 2020’s, sales is team work where the other business functions support sales – or at least they should do that. The era of the ’lone rider’ salesperson is over.
According to studies, buyers rarely contact the salesperson unless he/she believes that it will actually provide some additional value for him/her. At the sales time, web-based buying and selling increases. As a result, the need for competent salespeople and customer support persons is increasing. With this as a backdrop, the sales and sales support functions need to be updated. Doing business changes, because:
Are you and your organization ready for these changes?
My sales trainings aim at improving the company’s sales performance by developing the competence levels of the salespersons, sales support functions and executives. Working in a customer-oriented manner and creating excellent customer experience in the 2020’s is not the responsibility of salespersons alone, it’s the responsibility of everyone in the organization. That’s why I strongly recommend training the whole organization.
Sales trainings (compared to sales workshops) as a method work well especially when the goal is to provide insights to the participants and give them a clear framework for the topic that needs to be developed/improved – i.e. when teaching what needs to be done. (Sales workshops as more straight forward and in them I moderate and show how to actually do things.) I help the participants understand and develop/improve how they operate.
Unlike many, the sales traings that I offer are not based on any cookie-cutter model. Instead, every training that I deliver is tailored (i.e. designed, planned and delivered), based on the strategic aim with the training, considering the participants’ wishes and needs, and also considering their relevant work experience and educational level. This is my recipe for constructing and delivering sales trainings that actually work.
Note. If the word ’sales’ has a negative connotation in your organization, it can be replaced with e.g. customer management. Some participants first need to get acquainted with the topic of sales to make the learning experience and thought process remodeling as smooth as possible.
Do you want better sales results? Are you tired of high-pressure sales courses and their message ”make more calls”? So am I. That’s why every sales training that I offer is adjusted to fit the participants’ needs, wishes, and experience and educational level. The tailoring of the trainings can be further optimized by using the ValueSpyder® competence and skills measurement tool that I have developed.
Many of the firms that turn to me for help have already tried sales trainings (usually focusing on high-pressure selling) offered by other sales training companies (even well-known training companies that have been around for decades), and they have gotten tired of the empty promises offered by the training companies.
My sales trainings are for everyone who:
What my customers have in common is that they have a strong will to change and develop their sales and business. They want to succeed by focusing on customers, customer experience, and customer value & value co-creation. My sales trainings help them convert these into sales (value sales) and develop profitable customer accounts. The insights they get from my trainings are visible in their daily operations, sales leadership, and even corporate culture.
Sales and customer management is the responsibility of everyone in the firm. This is why my sales trainings are for both the sales and sales support functions, and executives.
My trainings are inspiring and engaging and they are based on science (as a sales professor I study sales organizations and know what leads to success and what to avoid). Additionally, my sales trainings include loads of facts, best practice and examples.
Customers who book me include large multinational corporations, small and medium sized companies, and organizations and foundations. What is common for them is their interest in how to successfully manage customers.
Contact me and let’s discuss your needs and wishes.
If you want to learn the secrets of world class sales organizations, my proven sales trainings and customer relationship management trainings (and workshops) are for you and your team.
The overarching message of my sales trainings, which I deliver in English, Swedish, Finnish and German, is to focus on customer centricity, value-based B2B selling, value co-creation and customer experience management (CXM/CEM) in personal selling and online sales and through the means of digital channels.
In my sales trainings, I convey how customer centricity in sales and customer service result in improved sales results and true success.
My sales trainings help develop the participants’ sales competence and skills, customer management, and sales management. The goal is to improve your firm’s sales performance. Thus, in addition to providing you and your team new insights, my trainings also provide valuable tools that can be applied immediately to get better results.
I deliver trainings in several languages: English, Swedish, Finnish and German.
As a professional trainer (and workshop facilitator) with in-depth knowledge (theory & practice) of B2B selling & sales management, marketing management and customer relationship management, I bring new insights and inspire your sales and sales support team to think out of the box to get better results. Furthermore, I show you how to sell and manage sales in a customer-value-based manner.
The sales training is customized for you. I propose doing this by utlizing the ValueSpyder® value competence measurement that I have developed. This is done to assure that the sales training focuses on matters that are important for your organization.
To help you become successful at selling, sales management, and relationship management, my sales trainings focus on key topics such as:
The topics are combined and modified to fit you and the participants. The selection and focus of the topics in the trainings is affected by the sales competence level of the participants. In order to measure the appropriate starting level I suggest the ValueSpyder® customer competence assessment service, using a science-based tool that I have developed for this very purpose.
The aim of the trainings is that your and your team’s sales competence level is developed and raised. It all starts with your and the participants’ needs and goals.
Myynnin koulutuksissa on kolme tasoa: Basic, Advanced ja Master: peruskurssi, jatkokurssi ja syventävä kurssi.
The sales trainings have three levels: Basic, Core and Advanced. They build on each other, but can also be taken separately:
BASIC LEVEL is where the fundamentals of value sales / value-based selling, purchasing & procurement, and customer relationship management are covered. It is intended for salespeople and those in sales supportive functions (marketing, project management, product management, legal, etc.). Trainings at this level focus on a) everyone getting the same message how important a value focus in sales is, and b) learning to focus on sales, value creation and customer relationships.
CORE LEVEL focuses on how to implement value-based selling in day-to-day work. It is specifically designed for salespeople, sales managers, and anyone directly involved in selling. This training focuses on how to do value sales in practice.
ADVANCED LEVEL focuses on how to manage value sales. It is mainly intended for sales executives (director or VP level), but also for sales managers (assuming they do manage a sales team). This training concentrates on value sales management: how to structure, train, build, manage, rewarding and support sales teams from a value perspective.
Prior to the training, you and I will have a preparation meeting to go through your expectations for the training and what you are aiming at. Based on that, and the optional ValueSales® competence assessment, I will design and plan a training that fits you situation and needs.
The prep meeting can be done face-to-face, by phone or video call.
It’s important that I know your situation, what you are aiming at, and enough about the participants so I can design and plan the ValueSpyder® assessment and/or a training that: a) fits your situation, b) meets your needs and expectations, and c) brings you the desired results.
Let me know what you need and wish for, so I can better help you. Contact me, today.
Preppauskeskustelu puheen suunnittelua varten.
Huom. Nämä kaikki minä teen itsenäisesti, kysyn jos tarvitsen inputiasi.
Saapuminen paikalle ajoissa, esityksen testaaminen, puheen pitäminen ja keskustelu.
Usually 1 to 2-day trainings. If with possible online-module(s) between the on-site training sessions.
Myyntikoulutuksen kesto on yleensä joko 1,5 tai 2 päivää. Koulutuksen tarkka pituus riippuu useasta tekijästä, kuten osallistujamäärästä, heidän koulutustasostansa ja työkokemuksesta, sekä kuinka pitkällä tiimisi jo on asiakasarvon nivouttamisessa osaksi heidän päivittäistä työtänsä.
Esimerkiksi myyntikoulutus Arvomyynnin perusteet, joka on perustason kurssi, on yleensä 2-päiväinen koulutus, mutta se voidaan tarpeen tullen myös järjestää 1,5-päiväisenä. Se on koulutus, joka on tarkoitettu sinun myyntitiimillesi sekä myynnin tukitoiminnoille. Koulutuksen tavoite on luoda yhteinen pohja sille, mitä arvomyynti on, miksi se on tärkeää ja mitä se tarkoittaa käytännössä. Tavoitteena on siis saada tiimisi liikkeelle arvomyynnissä.
Kaikki koulutukseni muodostuvat helposti hallittavista osista. Rakenne on hyvin linjassa uusimpien pedagogisten ohjeiden kanssa mitä aikuisopetukseen tulee. Lisäksi käyttämäni rakenne auttaa osallistujia saamaan hyvän oppimiskokemuksen, joka tehostaa oppimista. Jokainen osio sisältää seuraavaa: aiheen alustus (minun toimestani), aihe-spesifit ja -relevantit tehtävät ja keskustelut aiheen linkittämiseksi osaksi osallistujien todellisuutta ja tilanteita sekä harjoitteita osallistujille (yleensä ryhmätöiden muodossa) toivottujen oppimistavoitteiden varmistamiseksi.
Tältä sinulle ja teille järjestettävä koulutus (joko 1,5- tai 2-päiväinen) voisi näyttää:
Otsikko: [yrityksesi nimi] arvomyynnin perusteet
??Puheideni kesto on tyypillisesti 1 tunti, joka koostuu noin 50 minuutin puheesta ja 10 minuutin keskustelusta sekä kysymyksiin vastaamisesta. Kyse ei kuitenkaan ole monologista, vaan osallistutan yleisöä mm. esittämällä kysymyksiä, esitän ns. pähkinöitä purtavaksi ja lisäksi liikun paljon ja käytän eri presentaatiotekniikoita elävöittääkseni puhetta. Kyseessähän on live-tilaisuus ja siltä sen tulee yleisöstä myös tuntua.
Kerro minulle tarpeesi ja toiveesi, jotta voin paremmin auttaa sinua. Muokkaan puheeni niin, että se sopii juuri teille.
Esimerkkiotsikko ja juoksutus
Miten saada asiakas haluamaan ostamaan sinulta (sen sijaan, että ostaisivat kilpailijaltasi)?
Otsikon muokkaan niin, että se on kiinnostava. herättelevä ja jopa provosoiva.
Useimmiten jaan puheeni muutamaan loogiseen osioon, jotta sitä on helpompi seurata ja tarina pysyy selkeänä.
Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia
Kiitos ja näkemiin!
Puheen jälkeen on yleensä varattu aikaa kysymyksille ja vastauksille.
Jokainen osa sisältää aiheen alustuksen minun toimestani, keskustelua ja harjoitteita pienryhmissä. Kahvitauot aamu- ja iltapäivällä sekä lounas puoleltapäivin.
Toimitan pyynnöstäsi mielelläni yksityiskohtaisen koulutusohjelmarungon. Ota yhteyttä minuun, niin keskustellaan mikä sopisi parhaiten sinulle ja tiimillesi.
??Tavallisesti puheeni herättävät vilkasta ja hyvää keskustelua. Se on osoitus siitä, että asia kiinnostaa kuulijoita, alasta ja usein kuulijan omasta toimenkuvasta riippumatta. Tämän haluan toteutuvan myös sinun tapahtumassasi.
Miten saada asiakas haluamaan ostamaan sinulta (sen sijaan, että ostaisivat kilpailijaltasi)?
(Useimmiten jaan puheeni muutamaan loogiseen osioon, jotta sitä on helpompi seurata ja tarina pysyy selkeänä, esimerkiksi näin:)
Puheen jälkeen on normaalisti varattu aikaa kysymyksille ja vastauksille. Tavallisesti puheeni, jotka ovat ajatuksia herättäviä ja jopa jonkin verran yleisöä haastavia, herättävät kysymyksiä, jotka johtavat hyvään keskusteluun.
Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia.
Kiitos ja näkemiin!
your sales trainer / workshop moderator
Briefly about me as your sales trainer and workshop moderator/facilitator:
* Triple crown university: Accredited by the leading accreditation organizations for higher-level education AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. What’s makes being ’triple crown’ special? Less than 1% of universities and business schools in the world belong to this elite group of schools.
Paul Viio, KTT, on johtava arvopohjaisen B2B-myynnin ja myynnin johtamisen asiantuntija (value-based selling & value sales management) ja Suomen ainoa myynnin johtamisen professori, Hankenilta.
Paul on kokenut ja suosittu arvopohjaisen B2B-myynnin keynote-puhuja, johdon kouluttaja ja neuvonantaja. Hän on inspiroinut, opettanut, kouluttanut, neuvonut ja auttanut ammattilaisia ja johtajia sadoista yrityksistä ja organisaatioista eri toimialoilta kansainvälisesti.
Hänen puheet ovat sopiva sekoitus tiedettä, käytäntöä ja omakohtaista kokemusta kv myynnistä ja myynnin johtamisesta. Paul ottaa nopeasti tilanteen haltuunsa ja käy yleisön kanssa dialogia, joka innostaa ja haastaa miettimään uudestaan totuttuja toimintatapoja. Hän muokkaa puheensa aina kohderyhmän ja tilaisuuden mukaan. Hän pitää puheita ja koulutuksia useilla kielillä: suomeksi, ruotsiksi, englanniksi ja saksaksi.
Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä, niin suunnitellaan yhdessä koko tilaisuutta ja osallistujia ajatellen parhaiten sopiva puhe. Tilaisuutenne onnistuminen ja mieleenpainuvuus on myös minulle tärkeää.
”I just wanted to thank you for the training at [name removed]. Very inspiring and has changed my perception on sales.”
Senior Executive
“Thank you for the inspiring value sales training!”
Senior Executive
“Sinun kurssisi oli yksi parhaista pitkään aikaan!”
Senior Marketing Manager
“I’ve been thinking much over your presentations and advice – looking forward to discussing more in the next day or so.”
Offering Manager
”Thanks Paul for an excellent training! It helped me understand how customers operate and how we can build on that.”
Sales Manager
Haluatko myös sinun tiimisi yltävän parempiin myyntituloksiin?
”I have had the pleasure of working with Paul on two executive sales trainings for our company – Prysmian Group. The two trainings targeted our sales directors and sales & account managers respectively for the North European region.
Together with Paul, we developed a sales and customer management program, which was customized to fit our business and situation. Measuring [by using the ValueSpyder® measurement] our performance against the characteristics of high-performing sales organizations, we were able to benchmark our performance level. This helped us give the right weight for each part of the two programs to optimally target the areas that needed development.
In addition to addressing sales strategies and processes from a customer focus perspective, the trainings also provided lots of insightful examples and useful “rules of engagement” for sales, of which Paul has a lot of knowledge and personal experience.
Paul has just the right mix of academic and practical approach, and for us this was key. It is easy to go too far in one direction, but for us, we need this balance, and Paul provided this in an excellent way.
I can warmly recommend Paul for executive sales trainings when the aim is to develop high-performing sales organizations. I would hire him again!”
My fees and pricing policy are both reasonable and fair. In fact, I charge nothing for my time during the actual training. What you pay me for is the following:
My fee for trainings–or actually for customizing (designing, preparing, planning and practising–when booked directly from me: half a day (3 hrs) starts at €4950; full day (6 hrs, plus lunch) starts at €6450, including prep-meeting, but not ValueSpyder® assessment, which is an add-on service). This includes light customization of the training. Prices stated in Euro and excluding VAT, possible travel fee and other costs.
For larger projects, if you want to lower the upfront investment, we can also discuss a success fee, i.e. a percentage (%) of the increase in sales that your company will make after the training.
Contact me for a free-of-charge and non-binding discussion
Let’s first discuss your needs, situation and goals. Based on that I will create a program outline and send you an offer.
Use the contact form
I will get back to you asap so we can discuss more in detail.
Note: If you prefer, you can of course also email, chat or call me directly.
Contact me today!
To secure me as sales trainer for your team, please contact me as soon as possible. My calendar fills up pretty quickly.
Prices starting at €4950 /half-day (incl. prep-meeting**).
Prices in Euros, excl. travel fee, other direct fees or VAT.
Kaikki palvelujani käyttäneet tietävät, että teen aina parhaani ja toimin asiakkaan etujen mukaisesti. Uusille asiakkaille tarjoan seuraavan tyytyväisyystakuun: Jos et ole tyytyväinen palveluuni, voit saada rahasi takaisin (matka- ja muut kuluni luonnollisesti ensin vähennettynä) tai voimme sopia uudesta yhteistyöstä.
Sinun tyytyväisyytesi on minulle oikeasti tärkeää.
Many companies and salespeople make a great job attracting potential customers. They get the customers interested, engaged and ready to make the buy-decision. When it
Have you ever heard someone say ”I’m a really great salesperson”, but once you have
Here are 3 key components for building a value-based business and become successful. This brief
Main contact: Dr. Paul Viio, +358 45 847 6337, paul(a)paulviio.com, P.O. Box 164, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
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