Why You Should Make it Easy to Buy from You
Many companies and salespeople make a great job attracting potential customers. They get the customers interested, engaged and ready to make the buy-decision. When it
P A U L V I I O – S A L E S D O C T O R
Apply value-based selling & sales management and grow your sales revenues.
RESEARCH-BASEd Sales trainings, workshops and keynote speeches – ALSO ONLINE
Leading and building profitable sales and long-term B2B customer relationships can be challenging and time consuming. It requires strategic selling and sales leadership competences & skills that are beyond those taught in traditional sales courses. Product-centric sales is unlikely to make you become your customer’s preferred partner.
True success in B2B selling and sales management stems from having a deep understanding of your customer’s goals and situation and how you as a supplier fit into that equation. It is about using that understanding and translating how your company’s product or service offerings and your team’s competences and skills help your customer achieve their goals and dreams. In sum, it is about the value that you provide your customer that will help you become your customer’s first choice.
Dr Paul helps companies build strategic and profitable long-term success in B2B selling & sales management and sales leadership. More specifically, he helps companies make the transition from product focused sales to customer focused sales. This transition includes for example reevaluating how to strategize and lead sales, choosing the appropriate sales metrics and KPIs, adjusting the sales process for a better customer fit, pricing customer value and also getting paid for it, and engaging your company’s key sales supportive functions to actually help the customer. As a result you get better customer relationships and improved sales results.
Make your sales event REMEMBERED!
Entertaining, engaging and inspiring value sales and customer experience focused keynote speeches that are based on scientific research, my own experience and include many best-practice examples from companies across the globe.
Transform your sales force!
Improve your selling, sales management & sales leadership, and customer relationship management. Proven and customized in-company sales trainings bring your company’s selling & sales competences and skills to a new level.
Solve your sales challenges!
Improve your organization’s sales, sales management & leadership, selling process, incentivizing, value props, pricing and customer relationship management models and skills in hands-on and solution-oriented workshops.
Dr. Paul Viio is a leading B2B sales expert and sales trainer, sales educator, sales workshop moderator and sales keynote-speaker in B2B value-based selling & sales management.
Paul helps develop world-class organizations. He does that by helping people and organizations develop and improve their sales results through focusing on customer value.
He has worked internationally in sales for over 25 years, in addition to which he has a Ph.D. in selling & sales management. He is an entrepreneur, published author, researcher, professor (of practice) and the only person holding two professorships in selling & sales management at two top-tier business schools concurrently – at Aalto University, School of Business and Hanken School of Economics.
Paul is a sought-after B2B value sales keynote speaker, executive trainer, educator, board member and advisor to companies. He has taught, trained, advised, and helped hundreds of executives and companies globally to improve their sales performance.
He is fluent in and trains organizations in four languages: English, Swedish, Finnish and German.
Many companies and salespeople make a great job attracting potential customers. They get the customers interested, engaged and ready to make the buy-decision. When it
Have you ever heard someone say ”I’m a really great salesperson”, but once you have
Here are 3 key components for building a value-based business and become successful. This brief
Main contact: Dr. Paul Viio, +358 45 847 6337, paul(a)paulviio.com, P.O. Box 164, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
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